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When Empowering Employees to Take Risks, Isn’t Empowering (and Why That Needs to Change) December 27, 2023 product-management & professional & people-management & leadership As a leader, you believe in empowering your team to take risks. But are you also empowering them to manage risk? Success in business often requires Rationalizing Frequent Deployments for Product Managers and Software Engineers December 12, 2023 code & product-management & operations & professional Over the years I’ve become the biggest advocate that I know of for deploying software frequently. Really frequently. There are two reasons I’ve come Now Write Right: 3 Best Practices for Writing to Innovate and Influence November 28, 2023 writing & product-management & professional Recently, I explored the reasons for writing in the tech industry. Now, let’s delve into how to write effectively. It is challenging to write a good Write Right Now: How Engineers Can Innovate, Influence, and Lead in Business November 14, 2023 writing & product-management & professional Managers and marketers have more say on the software that you write than you do, but why? It’s easy to shrug and move on to the next incremental